Teresa McAnerney
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Psychology with emphasis in Business from Missouri Western State University, St. Joseph, Missouri
- Certified Facilitator for the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program completed training through the Kauffman Foundation for Entrepreneurship in Kansas City, Missouri
- Community Coaching Certificate earned through the Center for Engagement and Community Development, Kansas State University, Manhattan Kansas
- (2010 – Current) Facilitator for Northeast Kansas Enterprise Facilitation Initiative. Responsibilities include meeting with anyone seeking assistance in exploring, starting or growing a business in the region and helping navigate or remove the barriers standing between where they areand their business goals.
- Maintaining communication and reporting statistics and vital information to the community resource board, as well as board recruitment. Reporting and presenting results to community groups and funders.
Previous: (1997-2009) Co-ownerand founder of Package Deal, Inc. As an advertising specialtyindustry supplier of custom packaging, the company brokered to domestic and international agencies. As an innovator in the industry the company introduced the non-woven polypropylene tote to the domestic market in 1998. Responsibilities included marketing, product development, sales and customer relations as well as managing daily operations.